I am one of the apple computer fans.
But, in term of Apple ipad, it is disappointing.
When I mean disappoint, I don't mean it isn't a good product.
The way it disappointed me is that they went through all the trouble to enlarge a itouch and call it ipad.
Can't they just make the ipad run OS (Operation System)
Whatever the software running in ipad vs Apple OS, it not even 1/4 useful as the OS.
I see people went through all the trouble to jailbreak it, then it still not allowing you to do half the stuff in OS.
(Such as, important one, get into youtube and hijack video, save screen as pdf formate, turn a dvd to video formate)
I am not going to buy a ipad, but I wouldn't mind have one for free.
Where is my ipad sugar daddy?
The last comparison, ipad or Air Mac? Air Mac for me.
(they just have a new Air Mac)
Do you agree with me?
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