Saturday, April 28, 2012

HKTR - 2nd Anniversary Happy Hour

Can someone drop me a comment?

I tried to max out the picture quality in a dark environment. I have my camera ISO turn to 800 and 1600. 800 need longer time which isn't available and 1600 has some much noise that I cannot stand. What would you do differently? What focus function would you use?

Oh my. I also is there a way to reduce glossing under flash for those face cream is put on.

Bason Paris
Emily is a "designer", exhibitor, "educator". She is the coolest female in our group.
Activity. TNR.
She also is very good in Yoga. Yes. I love it.
I need to find one of those light blue jean like her. 

Lawrence few Hong Kong runners that closed to
LKF is raining cat and dog

Why she told my Hoegarden for a picture?

This is Sa. We ran a night hill together right before typhoon 8.
Good memory.

Left 1, Steven, Carren, Sa, Ellen, Janice.

Oh My. I can't believe Jeremy is leaving in a month.
We had such close culture together, MBA, California, Mexican food,
Runner, Halloween Party, American music.

Oh we invented the term cool guy for people who run Thursday night peak run. 

Karen is the first person I meet in the group.
I gave her a huge, and people yelling where is mine?
lol. She is special and she have special treat.

Patro is from Portugal. Mnmmm. Sexy language.
Another cool guy from TNR.  
Oh. We ran Hong Kong Trail together. 
They are from British.

Romain. Sexy.

Oh Where is the fig and orange drink? It was delicious.

Vic. Spider Man. Haha. 

Janice, smile, Smile, SMILE!!!!
Good job.

Qwaaaa~~~~~(What in france)

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