Saturday, April 10, 2010


This week article from my database (my computer) is neruolinguistic. I remember a video I watched once from TED it mentioned about when people listen people talk different parts of your brain have different part of function. (they were using EMP [Electromagnetic pulse] to test). For instance, when you encounter a new word different part of your brain activity will show up on a EMP monitor. Some are related to listening, some are related to analysis the new word, some are related to memorizing. Once, your brain familiar the word, only less brain activity would show up on the screen. I believe the guy developed the philosophy was J.H. Jackson (at least similar), 1874. Amazingly, people make right philosophy even when they didn't have the technology for it. Neruolinguistic today was study to help people overcome when they have language disorder. I learnt that one of the word for it is " propositionalize", I guess it means people cannot put word into sentence. Most people have language disorder is related to brain damage.

Words related to neurolinguistic: aphasia, psycholinguistic

It is interesting to know all of this. Originally, I was looking an article which might help me learn English easier, somehow I was interested about neurolinguistic too, because one of new recent favorite topic is neuroscience. Another related article in future I am going to look for should be psycholinguistic.

P.S. 1 thing I didn't mention was there is study show that language and memory are interdependent. It make a lot of sense. If you have a good memory, then you are easier to learn and speak a language, but what I wonder is if people try to learn different languages will it help boost people memory. The most useful way to think is if you are interested to learn French and Spanish, will it do better job for people to attempt to learn both in a same time or separately. Or, if you have a baby, do you want only teach the baby your mother language and English, or you want to put a third language on the baby too.


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