Running Profile

Name: Vincent Wong

Professional Experience: Beginner

Miles per week: about 35

Average speed: 10/mile

Training per week: 4 - 6 time

Average time of training: 2 hrs

About Running

Reason to race: Register it first, if you are a kind of person that you will not do it until you get involve in it.

Thing I love about running: the wind, the nice environment, time to think about my life, time to be creative in your life.

Things I hate about running: Time consuming, get injured, throw away the running shoes.

My Golden Word: conquest, finish strong

Personal Preference

Warm up: no. 

Stretch: only after run

Music or no music:

Leisure run: Doesn't matter if run outdoor

Hard-core workout: Yes

Summer or Winter: Winter
The cold weather make you feel easier to run.

Too Cold? Normally, I walk 5 minutes first, give your body get use to the cold temperature from indoor to outdoor.

My preference of temperature: 0 degree in celsius or 33 in Ferenheight 

Track mill or road: both


Unmotivated: you might surprise that it is actually your brain do want to run, but your body is so in condition. Make a person record.

Injured history: Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Shin-Splint, Plantar Fasciitis Piriformis, Nipple Irritation

Things I do to prevent injury: Ice-bath, icing, stretch

Is ice-bath terrible? I hate it first time. Now, I love it.

Tips for beginner: go slow, and do some weight training to build endurance after run

In the Future

What I want to be: Become an international half marathon runner: Japan, London, French, New York, 

Target half marathon time: 2 hours

Am I going to run the full marathon: No

My next thing I want to do is: run in typhoon when I am in hong kong, run in rain.


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