Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Something can't post this week

I need to express something, but I can't post it until next week. Something upset me. Woke up in the middle of night, and can't stop thinking about it when I doing stuffs. Time seems to be longer this day. I am keeping myself busy so I don't have time to upset about it.


Vicki P said...

Hi Vincent!

I'm so sorry to hear you're upset...If there's anything I can do, feel free to let me know. I want to help. I'll definitely pray for you.

If you contact me, use e-mail. I forgot my phone in St. Jo yesterday, so i can't go get it until Tuesday. You're welcome to come along for the ride when I go get it if you want. Sorry if you called or anything and I didn't have my phone.

Your friend,


Vicki P said...

Also, what is your e-mail address? I know it's vincenzowong@something, but I can't remember. Is it g-mail?


Anonymous said...

Hey Vincent,
So sorry to hear you're upset. How are you doing now? Feeling better? Can I help in some way?

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