Monday, May 17, 2010

Track Mills

I was in a gym room one day and was running on a Track Mills, where I
run most of the time. Then, my friend said that running on a track
mill is more difficult than running on the road, solid surface.

Here, I listed some pros that running on a track mill can provide to

1. Clearer air
2. Constant environment ( no rain, no snow, not too hot, no sunburn)
3. Allow you to place water by your side, which help decrease fatigue
because of dehydration.
4. Softer surface (which is good for your knee absorbing impact)
5. Safer (No car and animal chasing)
6. Provide constant speed pace, which help keep your performance on
top in later run.
7. Provide simulation of different terrains or marathon courses.
8. Place to meet new people


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