I took a very good memory test lately. The test is quit difficult.
It ain't like some old memory exam put it out and retest again.
You should take that.
Please do not cheat, such as using paper and pens / print screen.
The result below is my first take result and is based on plain memorization.
If you don't mind, I would enjoy knowing your result.
I am really proud of my working memory capacity, I scored full point on that section.
The only thing it doesn't indicate to you is how much time I use to memory them. (but ain't like I took forever to move on)
That tell me if I want to remember something I could, it just I don't spend the time for it most of the time.
And it told me the way I think.
I will use my memory to remember something important, such as pay bill, rent, my next date date, my best friends' birthday, etc
But, I can rarely recall what conversation I had with my date, which is bad.
They have several random versions. It's not you are going to have exactly the same test as me.
At least, it would be similar.
It would take you about 20 minus.
My advise is to do your first test on your best condition, such as on the morning, quiet place, and you ain't feel sleepy.
I took the test in library, there were two librarians try to distract me separately for a minute when I was trying very hard to memorize something
Try it yourself.
You can send me your result to vincentson1(at)gmail/dot/com

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